April 1, 2000

New York, NY - A sigh of relief swept through the Big Apple today as a newcomer entered the race for US Senate. Yazm, resident of Manhattan and orange bird, announced his intentions to run for Senator of New York State.

Though he is fairly new to politics, his efforts in improving the quality of life in New York City and the surrounding area do not go unnoticed. Environmentalist and humanitarian, Yazm has worked most of his life for the betterment of all species, and feels that, at the dawn of the new millennium, the time has come for change.

"There's a veil of indifference blanketing this year's New York senatorial election," stated committee spokesperson Pauline Robin, "The average resident of New York state is not concerned about who they will vote for, but who they won't. It's like trying to judge a cockroach beauty contest. Yazm at least is spreading a positive note to people."

Robin also felt that Yazm's views on outstanding political issues, coupled with his youthful charisma and honesty, will almost guarantee him a spot in the heart of every New Yorker.

"I'm for the children," stated Yazm in a recent press conference. "Education and proper funding for extra-curricular programs will form the fundamental cornerstone of my platform."

Yazm added that he believes the children are our future, and that we should teach them well and let them lead the way.

"He's got my vote," said Jana Markowitz, 59, who rode the train from Washington D.C. to Penn Station with Yazm earlier this year. "He was personable, friendly, and a good listener. And he kept my grandchildren entertained. He loves children."

"It's great to find a candidate that tells it like it is," added Warren Cayden of Riverdale, NY, "Most politicians just tell you what you want to hear until you've checked the box, or they listen to what you have to say and spit it right back at you like it was their idea all along. Not Yazm, though. He speaks truthfully, and he makes sense. I like him."

For more information, contact pr@yazm2000.com.

April 1, 2000
New Senatorial Candidate Launches Online Campaign
NEW YORK, NY - On Saturday, April 1 at 11:00 p.m. the official web site for the Yazm 2000 Senatorial Exploratory Committee came online. Located at www.yazm2000.com, the site will serve as a guide to those interested in learning more about Yazm and his senatorial campaign.

"The Internet is an exciting and important way to communicate with potential voters," said committee spokesperson Pauline Robin. "It gives the ability for Yazm to talk to millions of people, or exchange ideas with just one at a time. Also, anyone can learn about his past, his present, and what a potential future could be if he were to be elected."

Visitors to the Internet site can also read about his standings on political issues, sign up to become a "Yazmateer" and even contribute to his campaign.

Also planned in the near future is a web broadcast of Yazm's national announcement event. Interested viewers will be able to access the broadcast through the new web site.

For more information, contact pr@yazm2000.com.

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 Current Standings:
 Rudy: 43%
 Hill: 26%
 (Yazm): 31%!

Rock the vote! Cast an absentee ballot today!
Voice of the People:
"America needs a change. This time let's make it for the better. Buffalo's behind you, buddy!"
- Jethro Henries, Buffalo

We Support Yazm!
United Grain Growers
Local 712
Birdfeeder's Union
NYC Bridge Club
Chez Gourmet
12th Ave. Photo
Rochester Cable
Florida-NY Onion Growers
Thomson Park Squatters Inc.
Tyrone Westchester
Mustang Restoration Society
Bronx Zoo
Paid for and Authorized By:
Yazm 2000 of America

This is the only official web site of Yazm 2000 of America. While other web sites might advocate Yazm's election or the defeat of other candidates, and while they might contain links to this site or republish information or materials that we have made available to the general public, they are not authorized by Yazm 2000 of America, nor have they been coordinated in any way with the Yazm 2000 of America campaign.